Cosplay Information

Cosplayers are more than welcome to wear their projects at our event. As always, we do want to make sure that everyone has the safest time possible. Here are the conduct expectations for cosplayers and con-goers. Please do not get expelled from the con without refund or recourse and possibly referred to local law enforcement for violating these guidelines.
We abide by Cosplay is Not Consent. We know that cosplayers have put a lot of work into their costumes and often want to interact with others, taking pictures and waving to children and the like. However, please ask to take a picture of a cosplayer before doing so and accept their answer with grace. Try to avoid asking for pictures or interactions if the cosplayer is taking an obvious break (eating for example) or is in the middle of assembly or maintenance of their costume. Costumes may be delicate, do not assume that touching any part of a cosplayer or their costume or their prop is welcome even if consent to a picture is given. Just like everyone else, cosplayers have the right to end an interaction at their own discretion for whatever reason without explanation. Cosplayers are not their characters and come in all the forms of humanity, even ones not originally depicted with the character - please respect this.
We abide by the Golden Rule of Cosplay. While we will seek to accomodate cosplayers (and if you need an accomodation, please ask), cosplayers must also accomodate other con-goers. Please do not prevent others from enjoying the cons with posing and setups of pictures, blocking thoroughfares, using overpowering lights and sounds unexpectedly, or behaving in character to the point that it becomes and issue.
Not Wearing A Costume is Not Wearing A Costume. This should be self-explanatory. We should not have to state that there are children, families, people, etc. in attendance. "I'm Mystique from X-men." and "I'm Poison Ivy from Batman" will be met with equal dismissal as "I'm the David Statue by Michaelangelo.". There are complete covering choices for characters, utilize them.
All cosplayers must obey and be able to obey all the laws of the jurisdiction. This includes anything appearing as a weapon used as a prop.
All cosplayers must obey and be able to obey all the rules of the con itself, including being able to display proof of entry.
No part of a costume can cause a danger, no matter how minimal, to other con attendees.
-All prop weapons must be conspicuously props and false (please see con staff for marking that a prop is fake or possible storage until you leave if that is unfeasable). Orange safety tips on realistic appearing firearms, wiring blades to scabbards and sheathes, and the like help to make a prop con safe but are not an automatic guarantee that con staff won't mark your prop or hold it for you.
-No projectile of any sort, no matter how minimal, are allowed at the cons. Bubbles, foam darts, pellets, arrows, chemical string, water - color changing or not, smoke and other flame effects, etc. are examples and not to be considered an exhaustive list.
-No prop capable of propelling a projectile is allowed. Any prop bows must be so loosely strung they cannot drive a projectile, no prop firearms can be in any working order (please render your Airsoft or Nerf or whichever is your preferred brand unable to operate).
-Please be aware that the material of your prop will be considered. The more metallic your chain, the more solid wood your baseball bat, the more scrutiny and repeat judgements from con-staff you are likely to be subject to. Making these more wearables than props will act in your favor but are also not a guarantee.
Nothing throwable thrown, please and thank you.
Please understand that we all have different tolerances for olfactory purposes. No strong fragrances, active smoke effects, yet to be dried solvents or paint smells.
All costumes must be dry. That means all paints, primers, and sealers are set. All make-up has been set if not sealed and set. All adhesives have cured. Any bottled liquid prop must remain bottled in something that will keep it contained. Any damage to anything at con and the cost of products and services to repair or replace that damage will be the responsibility, financial and legally, of the cosplayer(s).
Anything solid object that leaves your costume under its own power must not, even if that it means it must be tethered. Glitter, dust, artificial spiderwebbing, loose cotton, and other powders are to be considered just as much as drones and balloons. All such objects must be wholly contained to your costume and not exceed your costume control. The less airborne your element is, the more latitude it will be given. ex. Bringing an R2 unit that is radio or blue toothed controlled may travel further away from you and be less tethered than an arial camera drone which definitely will not be given such consideration.
Cosplayers must be able to be safe in their costume. If the costume doesn't allow you to breathe, see, or navigate then that is an issue. If you cannot escape the costume then that is an issue. Please stay with someone who has knowingly agreed to aid you with these issues if they are an issue. Take care of yourself: rest, rehydrate, take it slow and easy.
Cosplayers must be able to navigate the con spaces. Giant costumes are welcome. Remember that it is a con and not a C-130, holodeck, or helicarrier. It is your responsibiliity to be able to safely perceive your surroundings and move with them without causing anyone else harm or nuissance.
Properly offensive costumes are in offense of this con. A step past 'Hail Hydra' is a step too far. (Yes, this means you, people who want to come as the villains of Indiana Jones movies.) This counts behaviors as well as markings, paraphenlia, language written or spoken. This includes re-enactors of historical figures and clothing. This also includes altering your appearance to 'mimic' a perceived real group of people. There is a difference between trying to look like a science fiction species, a fantasy species, a particular actor who portrayed the character that shares your group identities...and trying to alter your ethnicity to something real people identify with. You can pretend to be Tamaranian orange or dark elf purple but you will not be allowed to refer to some set of people as 'just a shade of orange' or 'a shade of black' and hide it behind "It's my cosplay".
Thank you for using these guidelines to help everyone have the best con experience that they can.